Dive on into David’s farm

David’s grandfather moved to the farm back in the 1920s.

Passing the farm through the generations, David and his son now work hand in hand to make the high quality wheat that makes its way into a box of Bix! Wheat has always been grown on Castle Farm in Bedfordshire and has become quite the legacy for the Johnson family.

Using The Elements To Benefit The Community

We have one of the first community wind turbines in the country on our farm.

These incredible pieces of machinery help to harness the natural elements around us to support and reduce energy costs in the local area. We love that something on our land can benefit so many, whilst helping us to reduce our emissions and make the farm more sustainable.

"Weetabix shares our passion for sustainability. We want to ensure we have the smallest impact on the planet as possible."

Harvest Is King

Harvest is my favourite season within farming.

I drive the combine and it’s such an amazing moment, cutting and collecting all the wheat you’ve spent the year nurturing to be at its best. Not only is it great to see the fruits of your labour right there in front of you, it’s also a lot of fun spending the day in a field riding around on a combine harvester!

A Home For Nature

We are involved in the Government Countrywide Stewardship Scheme and we’re committed to improving wildlife diversity, water quality and natural flood management on Castle Farm.

We grow crops to encourage birds, bees and butterflies as a part of our efforts to enhance the environment we farm within. We also add in hedgerows and wildflowers to increase biodiversity. All of this helps to encourage nature to see the farm as their home.

View More Farms The Wheat Cycle